True coproduction is all about service providers and service users working together, as equals.
Parent Advocates
Our seven Parent Advocates are a group of parents who have been involved in the Cambridge Children's Hospital project for some time, representing families from across the East of England. They sit across all aspects of the project and at all strategic levels, holding us to account, challenging us, and making us think differently. Their input has helped inform decision making and put the voices of patients and families at the forefront of the project.

Parent Carer Voice
Additionally, we have a Parent Carer Voice, which is made up of over sixty parents and carers from across the region, all of whom have lived experience of caring for a child in hospital and/or mental health services. As we work towards the submission of our Full Business Case in 2025, they will join us for workshops and focus groups to help us further develop our integrated model of care, bringing mental and physical healthcare together, alongside research.
If you would like to join our Parent Carer Voice, you can sign up here (opens in a new tab) or email for more information.
Watch our video about co-production on the Cambridge Children’s Hospital project.