Cambridge Children's Hospital will provide the level of care countless families in the East of England need, without having to travel hundreds of miles to get it.

The East of England is still the only region in England without a dedicated children’s hospital. Families often travel miles for specialist care, which is costly and can make for a negative experience.
A local centre of excellence is needed for the 1.5 million children and young people living across the six counties - Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex.
Currently, Addenbrooke's Hospital provides the vast majority of highly specialised care for young patients in the East of England, with 80% of its 'specialist activity' referred from local and district hospitals.
Similarly, the acute units on CPFT's Ida Darwin site provide specialist mental health care for children and young people in Cambridgeshire and the wider region, with some patients travelling in from further afield.
A hub of excellence

By building our hospital on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus — Europe’s leading life science hub — world-leading biomedical research will be on our doorstep.
The unique partnership of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Cambridge brings together unrivalled clinical and academic knowledge.
A hospital without walls
Cambridge Children's Hospital will act as a hub for regional hospitals and community practices, providing and supporting outreach services. However, where appropriate, we aim to treat more children and young people closer to home, using Telehealth technology.
Our regional transport and retrieval service (PaNDR) already coordinates care with regional district general hospitals for the sickest children.
We are working closely with regional partners, acute NHS trusts and other healthcare providers to ensure that Cambridge Children's Hospital can truly integrate with the wider health and social care system.